Faith-Based Life Coach

Your Friend Along the Way to Purpose

So, you made it through your healing journey, now what? What does life look like after this? What is my next step? How do I know what I’m meant to pursue?

That’s where life coaching comes into play. As a Certified Life Coach, I now have the privilege to transition you from your Healing Journey unto your Life Journey.

We outline goals and objectives you want to achieve. We set markers or accountability milestones for each goal, and we create a customized action plan to help you pursue each one. As your accountability partner, I keep you on track to hit those targets every time.

What You'll Gain:

  • Accountability: It’s easy to stray from your goals when dealing with the demands of daily life. I help hold you accountable, ensuring that you stay in alignment with the vision we’ve outlined. 
  • Increase Confidence: As you work with me, you’ll gain more confidence in who God created you to be. How? As you accomplish each goal you set out to do, you’ll begin to recognize, you truly are well able.
  • Personal Growth:  I help provide you with tools and insights that can lead to personal growth. You can’t pour out from an empty cup. You must be filled first before you can pour out to others. 
  • Support: And because we can all grow weary along the way, as life happens, we all need a source of motivation and encouragement along the way. It is my true honor to be able to champion you and cheer you on as you move toward purpose.
  • Improved Decision-Making: You’ll become more confident in your decision-making abilities, making choices that are consistent with the vision set out for your life.
  • Achievement of Goals: You will become an expert at setting goals. I love equipping others and will equip you in clarity, objectives, and action steps along the way.

If you are thinking, “Yes, this is for me.” hit the button below and let’s connect. If you are not sure, book a Free Consultation. We can figure out together, if this is a good fit for you.

Why You Need One:

  • Integration of Faith: I understand the importance of faith in your life journey. I help you align your goals, values, and purpose with your spiritual beliefs, offering a unique perspective on your journey.
  • Accountability and Spiritual Growth: It’s easy to stray from your goals when dealing with the demands of daily life. I help hold you accountable not only for your personal goals but also for your spiritual growth, ensuring that you stay in alignment with what God would have for you.
  • Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles: Just as life is full of challenges, your spiritual journey can present its own hurdles. I provide you with strategies and support to overcome life obstacles through the lens of the Word of God.
  • Increase Confidence: As you work with me, you’ll gain more confidence in who God created you to be and what He called you to do. You’ll learn to step out in faith and trust God, as you develop resilience in the face of challenges.

Why You Want One:

  • Holistic Personal Growth: If you desire personal growth that is deeply rooted in your faith, then I am your ally. I help provide you with tools and insights that can lead to spiritual and personal improvement, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.
  • Fulfillment and Success in Alignment with Your Faith: I help empower you to set and achieve goals that align with your faith, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life in accordance to the Word of God.
  • Accountability and Faith Support: Having a dedicated support system that shares your faith is crucial in staying on track with your spiritual and personal goals. I not only hold you accountable but also provide a source of motivation and encouragement in your life journey.

What You'll Gain:

  • Deepened Spiritual Relationship: As we invite God into the various aspects of your life, you will organically develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, fostering a more purpose-driven life.
  • Improved Decision-Making in Alignment with God: As we partner together, you’ll become more confident in your decision-making abilities, making choices that are consistent with your spiritual beliefs.
  • Achievement of Goals: You will become an expert at setting goals. You’ll experience a sense of personal accomplishment as you reach milestones you once thought were unattainable.

As a coach, I can come alongside you and help to realign or keep you in alignment with you what God would have for you.  If you’re ready to invest in your God-given assignment and are seeking guidance, support, encouragement and empowerment to attain your goals, let’s connect.