“The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trust in the Lord is safe.” (Proverbs 29:25 ESV)
A snare in Hebrew (in the context of this scripture) means to lure or set a bait. If you set a bait you are likely trying to catch something. You don’t go fishing without bait to attract your prey but notice the scripture states that the bait is set by an action we choose to engage in – fear of man. When you choose the fear of man over the trust of God, you are making yourself the prey the trap is set for. So, what does fear of man mean?
Fear of man is not one set definition, but more of a statement to describe various forms of approval that come from people. The need to be a people-pleaser. The need to make others around you happy. The need to get them to like you, regardless of what it may cost you. The reckless abandonment of who God created you to be in order to fit into the mold of others. If Jesus, who was Jesus, couldn’t please everyone, what makes us think we need to or actually can? We can’t!
Our focus scripture gives us insight on how we can counter this lure – trust in the Lord. “But whoever trust in the Lord is safe”. If we place our trust in God’s approval and not man’s approval, we can be found in the safety of God, free from set snares.
Where is your trust found today? Is it found in pleasing your boss? Pleasing your spouse? Your children? Your co-workers? Or even social media and what the masses might think? Place your trust in the only one who knows what you were created to be. A uniquely crafted masterpiece created in His image.
“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge…” (Proverbs 1:7a).
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you’ve made me for more than approval from others. Thank you that I am uniquely created to have the smile you gave me, the gifts and talents you’ve placed within me, the kind-heart that beats within, the giving hands that are outstretched to others, and the innate desire to worship you. I praise you and trust that as I find myself in your approval, I am kept from the snare set by fear of man. I am approved by you. In Jesus’s name. Amen!
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