
Monthly Maintenance Subscription
Renew the Mind. Restore the Soul.

My heart is and always has been to come alongside you and serve you with excellence as you walk through your healing journey. Life can be messy. It can be filled with unexpected twist and turns, but through it all, God always remains faithful. Many times, He sends His laborers to meet us where we are along the way.

All to the Glory of God, I am now offering a monthly subscription that will allow a continual support long after you’ve completed your 10-week program.

The unique subscription package combines the power of the Word of God with Neuroscience to provide holistic mental and spiritual wellness. Each session is designed to nurture healing that leads to a transformed life.

What’s Included:

1-hour Maintenance Session(s)

  • One-on-One session(s) that invite biblical principles and a neuroscience frame to everyday challenges.
  • Each session is tailored to your individual needs, blending biblical wisdom with neuroscience to address everyday challenges. These personalized sessions ensure that you receive targeted support and guidance, helping you navigate your unique circumstances effectively. 

Monthly Group Prayer Call

  • Opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals for support and community.
  • Receive powerful intercessory prayer to uplift your spirit; led by ordained minister. This monthly call provides an opportunity to gather with others who share your faith and journey, fostering a sense of unity and collective strength.

Support Network

  • Access a community for sharing experiences, offering encouragement, and receiving support around the clock. Our online support network allows you to connect with others anytime you need, providing a constant source of encouragement and shared wisdom. 

Devotional and Mental Health Resources

  • Enrich your spiritual walk with scripture-based reflections. 
  • Enhance cognitive function and emotional resilience with mental health resources. These resources are designed to support your mental and spiritual growth, providing tools and insights that you can incorporate into your daily life. 

Weekly Bible Study Sessions

  • Engage in deep, meaningful discussions about the Bible. 
  • Explore the alignment between biblical teachings and mental health practices. Our Bible study sessions offer a space to delve into scripture and discover how its teachings can enhance your mental health and overall well-being. 

Subscription Options



I feel I have a pretty good handle on things but would benefit from a monthly maintenance session to support my healthy mindset.

  • One, 60-minute monthly maintenance session
  • Monthly Group Prayer Call
  • Support Network
  • Devotional and Mental Health Resources
  • Bible Study



I am doing well but would benefit from continued support throughout the month. I don’t think once a month is enough for me.

  • Two, 60-minute monthly maintenance sessions (bi-weekly recommended)
  • Monthly Group Prayer Call
  • Support Network
  • Devotional and Mental Health Resources
  • Bible Study



I am doing better but I want to have continuous support throughout the month. I want regular visits.

  • Three, 60-minute monthly maintenance sessions (scheduled throughout the month)
  • Monthly Group Prayer Call
  • Support Network
  • Devotional and Mental Health Resources
  • Bible Study

Why Choose Renew the Mind. Restore the Soul. Membership Subscription?

Holistic Approach: We address both mental and spiritual aspects of healing, offering a comprehensive wellness experience. Our approach ensures that you receive well-rounded support that addresses every facet of your well-being. 

Community Support: Become part of a faith-based community that uplifts and supports each other. Our community provides a strong network of individuals who are committed to mutual growth and encouragement.