Paperback – Activating Self-Control: 12 Keys to Winning the War Within

Paperback – Activating Self-Control: 12 Keys to Winning the War Within


Self-Control. Not a very popular word. I mean, who wants to learn about self-control? Yuck! Right?

But the truth is, what remains in darkness cannot be healed. Darkness, in the original language means ignorance. If we remain ignorant of the enemy’s schemes against our lives, he will absolutely leverage and run with it.

Stop the cycle of toxic behavior and thinking patterns by exposing the “targets” the enemy uses to keep you in this cycle of self-destruction.

Activating Self-Control walks you through a discovery journey that helps you outline the “Why?” behind so many self-sabotaging behaviors.

As you journey through each Key, you will be equipped to ‘activate’ the Fruit of Self-Control, giving you back the power and authority that belongs to you.

This book not only gives you the tools for uncovering the root cause of toxic behavioral patterns but also equips you with the tools that will help you begin to overcome them.

Stop the cycle of self-sabotage. Order your copy today!


If you want the breakthrough…get this book!! 

Need help overcoming anger, self-sabotage, bad eating habits, procrastination, addictions, lying, manipulation, people-pleasing, and so many other behaviors that are less than God’s best for our lives, buy the book. 

Activating Self-Control walks you through a discovery journey that helps you outline the “why” behind so many of our self-sabotaging behaviors. As you journey through each Key, you will be equipped to ‘activate’ the fruit of Self-Control giving you back both the power and authority that belongs to you. This book not only gives you the tools for uncovering the root cause of behavioral patterns, but equips you with the tools that will help you overcome them. 

Get yours today and see your life begin to transform! 

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