11“In that day I will restore the fallen house of David. I will repair its damaged walls. From the ruins I will rebuild it and restore its former glory.
12 And Israel will possess what is left of Edom and all the nations I have called to be mine.” The Lord has spoken, and he will do these things.
13“The time will come,” says the Lord, “when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested. Then the terraced vineyards on the hills of Israel will drip with sweet wine!
14 I will bring my exiled people of Israel back from distant lands, and they will rebuild their ruined cities and live in them again. They will plant vineyards and gardens; they will eat their crops and drink their wine.
Amos 9:11-14
We serve a God who longs to RESTORE, REPAIR, REBUILD that which was lost, damaged, and broken. He is a God of compassion with a heart turned toward His people BUT notice how the scripture positions God. God is the one who makes a way for the restoration to take place, but not the one who does the rebuilding itself.
If you look at verse 14, the scripture is teaching us that we are co-laborers with God. He longs to repair and restore things to their former glory, but we must put our hands to the work. We must partner with God through the rebuilding and the planting of what He’s calling us to.
Are you positioned to receive restoration to that which was lost in previous seasons? Beloved, seek God. Hold his hand even when you think you can’t. If you feel you just can’t possibly hold on to anything, allow God to hold you while you regain your strength.
God is well able to redeem and restore all that has been stolen. He has a beautiful way of giving us beauty for ashes.
Prayer: Dear Abba Father, thank you that you are redeemer. Thank you, Lord, that you long to be good to me and restore all things to me to their former glory. I will continue to praise you as I go. I will continue to seek you as I labor. Give me strength for the journey Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.